Cyclux Certified Continuing Professional Development Courses

Cyclux Certified Continuing Professional Development Courses

Cyclux Certified Courses are technology driven Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs tailored towards developing human capacity. We provide students and professionals with practical technology and management skills that enable them to secure employment, become self-employed and be valuable at the workplace. Our main aim is to offer practical entrepreneurial trainings with a focus on CAREER (Covered Assignment Revealed to Enter Essential Rest).

We are recognized for providing top-class Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses through our worldwide educational & research partnership to offer world-class training with local impart. Cyclux courses are delivered by highly skilled industry professionals with the aim to Convey Purpose – thus, each course is designed to deliver exceptional educational experience with real experiences and case studies.

Built as an incubator; lectures are structured in both virtual and in-person so no matter the distance Cyclux makes it easier to access training manuals and lectures from the comfort of your home or office and not being limited by boundaries; study at your own pace.

Our Courses Include:

  1. Professional Certificate In Website Design
  2. Professional Certificate In Digital Marketing
  3. Professional Certificate In Social Media Marketing
  4. Professional Certificate In Web Application & Database Technology
  5. Professional Certificate In Cyber Security
  6. Accounting for Non-Accountants
  7. Finance for Non-Finance Managers

Certificate Awarding Institution / Partners

  • Cambridge International College (UK)
  • Trinity Professional College (Ghana)

Why Cyclux Training Center

  • Our courses educate you to get a good job so that you can be financially stable in your life. That mean we train you in a specific way that helps you thrive, and excel in the real world.
  • We inculcate great values and morals that helps you to have a well-balanced and open mind.
  • Institutional culture development and support.
  • Our courses are designed to help participants master the essential disciplines in technology, management and entrepreneurship.
  • Both local and foreign job and internship opportunities available.
  • Practical, Research and Skilled based training for all modules which include career guidance and mentoring.
  • Biblical Christ doctrines.

We aim to To provide quality and affordable innovative training with Christ-Centered impart. Click to Enroll Now OR Call 0553893144

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