Website Design Academy: Beginner’s Guide to WordPress – Enroll Now!

Website Design Academy: Beginner’s Guide to WordPress – Enroll Now!

Earn over $1000 monthly with WordPress. WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites around the world. It is an easy-to-use platform that allows users to create and manage their own websites without the need for technical expertise. WordPress powering over 40% all websites online, Bloomberg, Disney, Salesforce, CNN, Aljazeera, The Fourth Estate, Citi News, TV3, Bank of Ghana and Ameyyaw Debrah are all using this CMS for their websites.This WordPress Academy aims to provide a beginner’s guide to WordPress, including how to set up a WordPress site, how to customize it, and how to manage content. This course of study provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to design and build professional WordPress Websites and become a website designer.

Lesson 1: Getting Started with WordPress In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a WordPress site, including:

  • How to choose a domain name and hosting provider.
  • How to install WordPress.
  • How to log in to the WordPress dashboard.

Lesson 2: Customizing Your WordPress Site In this lesson, you will learn how to customize your WordPress site, including:

  • How to choose a WordPress theme.
  • How to customize your site’s appearance using the WordPress Customizer.
  • How to create a navigation menu.
  • Learn to Build personal resume, business website, ecommerce and blog.

Lesson 3: Managing Content in WordPress In this lesson, you will learn how to manage content in WordPress, including:

  • How to create and edit pages and posts.
  • How to add images and videos to your content.
  • How to create categories and tags.

Lesson 4: Extending Your WordPress Site with Plugins In this lesson, you will learn how to extend your WordPress site’s functionality with plugins, including:

  • How to search for and install plugins.
  • How to activate and deactivate plugins.
  • How to configure plugins to work with your site.

Lesson 5: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for WordPress In this lesson, you will learn how to optimize your WordPress site for search engines, including:

  • How to choose keywords for your content.
  • How to optimize your content for search engines.
  • How to use plugins to improve your site’s SEO.

Practical experience is an important component of this course , WordPress is a powerful tool for creating and managing websites. By signing-up to this WordPress Academy’s beginner’s guide to WordPress, you will have a solid foundation for creating your own WordPress site and managing its content. With a little practice, you can master the platform and take your website to the next level. Click link to  Enroll Now OR Call 0200689684.


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