Customer Relationship Management System (CRM Weaver)

Customer Relationship Management System (CRM Weaver)

Cyclux CRM Weaver helps in managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships to grow your business. A CRM Weaver system helps enterprises stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability. CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management” and refers to all strategies, techniques, tools, and technologies used by enterprises for developing, retaining and acquiring customers.

This System is powered by Cyclux Consult;  an information technology (IT) company providing business development solutions, Internet-related services and products, which include Website Development, Application Development, Online Advertising Technologies, Cloud Computing, Business Consulting and Training for individuals and growing enterprises. As a tech consult we believe that Research, Development and Training (RDT) should be the heartbeat of every project to prop business growth.

System Features Include:

  • Role & User Management / User Log
  • Spreadsheet Outline
  • Customers
  • HR Records (Job Description, Records, Training etc.)
  • Accounting ( Transactions, Journal Entry, Reports etc.)
  • Chat & Mail Box
  • Call Logs & Feedbacks
  • Sales (Proposal, Estimates, Sales etc)
  • Woocommerce Integration
  • Appointment
  • Subscription
  • Expenses
  • Landing Pages
  • Leads
  • Utilities
  • Purchases
  • Setup & Backup
  • Knowledge Base
  • HRM (Staff, Payroll, Contracts etc.)

Get In Touch / Book A Demo; Kindly contact +233(0)200689684 / +233(0)553893144 OR WhatsApp: +233200689684

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